
Membership Overview

Membership within the EHASO is by invitation only.

Within all Components of the Angle Society, there are four types of membership:

Prospective Members:

A Prospective Member for the Northwest Component must, through invitation and affirmative vote by the membership, attend a regular Component meeting and display the records of one personally completed case. Once assessed and approved by the Admissions Committee, the Prospective Member becomes an Affiliate Member and is expected to attend all Component meetings and abide by its regulations and obligations. The minimum period of Affiliate membership is two years, while the maximum is three years. This is a period in which to learn about the purposes and obligations of the Angle Society and improve and demonstrate the ability in clinical orthodontics. Prospective Members pay half of the meeting fee, and do not pay national dues. 

Affiliate Members:

Affiliate members are required to treat a specific number of cases under the guidance of the member sponsors of the Affiliate. Case progress reports will be required annually at our Component meeting and will be reviewed with comments from the membership. Once the Admission Committee recommends the Affiliate for Regular membership, the Affiliate will be required to present an oral case report and a written case report of one of the treated cases at a regular meeting of the Northwest Component. Affiliate Members pay full component and national dues. 

Regular Members:

Regular members must make, from time to time, contributions to the scientific sessions of the regular Component meeting or the specialty of orthodontics to satisfy the requirements of our Study Committee. Regular members are required to keep a positive score in our "Point System." After receiving three points as a new Regular member, each year, one point is subtracted from a member's point score, requiring the member to continue to make contributions in order to maintain a positive "Point Score." Regular members of any Component are also Regular members of the Central Body of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists Inc.

Senior Members:

Senior Active Members must have been a regular member for 25 years, or reached the age of 65, or be forced to retire from active practice due to illness. Senior Active Members may attend scientific or other sessions but are not obligated to do so. They have the right to vote and hold office. Senior Active Members are still in active practice or engaged in orthodontic education and pay dues just as regular members. They are not obligated to maintain their point status. Senior Retired Members are fully retired from the practice of orthodontics with no significant renumeration from teaching. They pay for the cost of the meals when they choose to attend meetings. 
