
Board of Directors old

Current Leadership Team

The Board of Directors for the Northwest Component of the EHASO consists of:

Brian Hartman

President-Elect & Program Chair
Ryan Moses

Sandy Maduke

Admissions Committee
Doug Knight
Joe Safirstein

Study Committee
Darcy Cruikshank

Component Representative
Bryan Hicks

Past President
Diane Doppel

Past Presidents

Term Name
2022-2024 Diane Doppel
2020-2022 Mike Chaffee
2018-2020 Hugh Lamont
2016-2018 Peter Shapiro
2014-2016 Doug Klein
2012-2014 Iain Allan
2010-2012 Roy Gunsolus*
2008-2010 Michael Sheets
2006-2008 Robin Jackson*
2004-2006 John Moore
2002-2004 Parker Fuhriman
2000-2002 W. Michael Wainright
1998-2000 Richard Westin
1996-1998 Dale Rhoney
1994-1996 Robert Hicks*
1992-1994 Rod Dubois
1990-1992 Doug Cameron
1988-1990 Terry McDonald
1986-1988 Dave Turpin
1984-1986 Bill Sproule
1982-1984 Laurel Brown*
1981-1982 Don Joondeph
1978-1980 Thurm Hice*
1976-1978 Joe Lavin*
1974-1976 Paul Klein*
1969-1974 John Raynes*
1968-1969 Dan Empenger*
1967-1968 Joe Moran*
1966-1967 Bob DeButts*
1965-1966 Joe Ryan*
1964-1965 Ken Kahn*
1963-1964 Guy Woods*
1962-1963 Wayne Bolton*
1961-1962 Al Moore*
1960-1961 Roland Anderson*
1959-1960 Gil Miller*
1958-1959 George McCullock*
1957-1958 Richard Philbrick*
1956-1957 Charles Craig*
1955-1956 Denton Rees*
1954-1955 Richard Reidel*
1953-1954 William P. McGovern*
1952-1953 Paul Lewis*
1951-1952 Emery Fraser*

